Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Legislating Halloween?

Seriously, people, do we need to be setting legal age limits on trick or treaters?  Of all the asinine things people could be wasting government time on, this is right up there with changing the name to "freedom fries." 

Call me crazy, but I never realized there was any sort of social norm on this one.  Yes, it's mostly for little kids -- but when did it become a big bad evil thing for a teenager to do it?  Isn't trick or treating a pretty benign thing for a teen to do?  Shouldn't we be applauding a teen for doing something so wholesome and not worrying what his peers think?  Hell, maybe they are all roaming in a pack.  I don't know about you, but I'd rather be giving them candy than scrubbing their tags off my fence. 

To make matters worse, the article that brought this very important national issue to my attention was couched in terms of fear.  "Have you ever looked out your peephole and been scared of a trick or treater?"  First of all, isn't the idea of Halloween to be scared?  And second, who the hell uses their peephole on Halloween?

In my day, teens were too "cool" to trick or treat.  I took it up again in college, when I learned how to not care what others thought.  Sure, I got a few odd looks when I rang some bells, but mostly people appreciated my motto: "You're never too old for Halloween!"

Look, if you have a beef with giving teens candy, then don't give them any.  But like so many other personal beliefs, this has no place in the halls of lawmaking.  Maybe if local governments weren't focusing on such drivel they might, oh I don't know.....have money for schools to buy copy paper or something. 

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