Monday, June 14, 2010

Lost in the Existential Cosmos

Wow, has it really been almost a month since I last wrote?  That's no way to treat a blog, and I apologize.

So, where have I been, and what have I been doing?  I've been doing a lot of thinking and philosophizing.  But nothing really floated to the surface as a topic.  I started to write a couple of times, but they just petered out into nothingness.  A few ideas still float around in my big primate brain, that have not yet found their way to my proverbial pen.....

Sometimes it's good to sit back and ponder the universe.  This kind of passive reflection is good for the soul;  it nourishes us even when we don't realize it.  The art of being still and of having an empty mind has long been valued by buddhists and hindus, as well as by mystics of the Western religions.  Yet in our society, we seemingly value being on the go, go, go all the time.  Work long days, even on weekends.  Multitask as much as possible.  Create elaborate family schedules to squeeze every ounce of efficiency out of the day. 

And what does this get us?  Just a few minutes of television reveals it quite clearly: heartburn, obesity, depression, anxiety, heart problems, and yes, "E.D."  Conditions that we believe can be solves with magic pills (side effects may include losing touch with your spouse, missing your children growing up, and feelings of despair). 

I admit, I fall into the trap sometimes too.  It's hard not to.  I try to get a little work done while waiting for my kids to finish gymnastics (but then, I had to leave work early to take them, so....).  And for the most part I try to keep things in balance.  But some of the best times we've had as a family were when we just stopped and "did nothing."  Of course, we were doing something, it just didn't feel like it.

So, forgive me for not posting recently.  It was not that I was flaking out.  I have been thinking.  Several new and fabulous posts lurk beneath the surface, like a seed in winter.  When the soil warms up enough, and the spring rains come, they will germinate.  Next thing you know, they'll be sticking their new shoots out all over the place!

Do yourself a favor: make time to stop and smell the roses.  Or watch a sunset.  Or just watch the birds fly in circles.  Or watch a child at play.  Turn off the tv and unplug from your cell phone.  You don't have to go trudge off into the wilderness;  you can do this right in your own backyard.  Just sit and be.  Try it; you'll like it.