Wednesday, February 23, 2011

United we Stand, Divided we Fall

Abortion, guns, socialism, and now, unions.  Just a few of the myriad issues used by Republicans to fan the flames of unrest, to get us worked up and fighting each other.  To use our beliefs against us to serve their political agenda.  An agenda set by billionaire lobbyists and corporations. 

I, for one, am tired of defending unions, of explaining the concepts of freedom and democracy over and over.  Because people, none of these wedge issues are the problem.  Not one of these issues -- nor even all of them together -- has contributed to our country's current situation.  The real problem is the corporate welfare policies supported by our elected officials. 

And yes, it is welfare.  What happened to the free market?  If it's such a fabulous, inviolate concept, then doesn't "too big to fail" present a contradiction?  Why did we bail out Wall Street, instead of letting the free market dictate the outcome?  Why do we allow corporate tax havens and loopholes?  Shouldn't they be able to survive without such handouts? 

(For an article on the tax burden shifted to you and me, instead of corporations, check out this link.  It also has a handy table of state-by-state stats.  )

This is just one example of the Real Problem.  Everything in modern politics is geared to help corporations.  Heck, our own Supreme Court even declared them to have the same rights as human beings!   But the Republicans (and yes, the Dems who silently support the very same policies) are clever -- they won't let us protest their actions.  They know that it's easy as pie to whip up a furor over some side issue, something that has no bearing on the state of our country, and get us fighting among ourselves instead of targeting them.

(I find it ironic that some of the loudest anti-government protestors today so willingly allow that same government tell them what to think, but that's another topic.....)

So people, here's my plea: let's stop fighting each other.  You don't have to be pro-union or pro-choice, you don't have to think taxes are good, you don't have to believe guns belong in every American home.  All you have to do is recognize that we have more in common between us than any of us do with those receiving billions in annual salary and millions in bonuses.  They are the real enemy.  Sure, unions aren't perfect, healthcare isn't perfect.....but right now, we have bigger issues at hand.  When our country's economy is no longer racing to the bottom, when we are no longer becoming a third world country, when the gap between rich and poor closes and the middle class rises again -- then we can focus on these other issues.  We need to stand together if we are to survive. 

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