Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mosque at Ground Zero, Revisited

Since my last post, I have learned some new information.  Like, that the mosque at Ground Zero isn't really at Ground Zero.  Or a mosque.  And that there's already a mosque in the neighborhood, which predates the Twin Towers.

So, I'm going to have to change my position on this one.  I still think it's slightly insensitive to propose any sort of Islamic center that close -- but there's nothing in the law that requires one be sensitive.  (Kinda like how there's nothing in the law to keep you from being a stupid butthead who thinks Sarah Palin is great). 

At first it seemed the support for this building was just political correctness gone awry.  But now I agree that the opposition is just plain bigotry.  It's NOT at ground zero, so stop saying that it is.  It's NOT a mosque, so you can stop saying that too.  Why did the proponents choose that location?  Who the hell knows.  Maybe it's because, say, there's a large Muslim population in the neighborhood?

And I have to give the progressive media a big fat slap on the wrist for this one.  Why are they perpetuating the lie that it's at Ground Zero?  Why do they use the term "Ground Zero Mosque"?  Why are they feeding right into the Right's hand?  Very disappointing, folks.  Very disappointing. 

The real issue is not so much the fervor over this mosque as the national movement against ANY mosques.  Last time I checked, this was still the U.S., and we still had something called freedom of religion.  Now, yes, I know what you're about to say: we all know that on a certain level that's just a crock -- but it's still the law and on the whole I think we do better than many places.  So now we are going to show the world just what kind of redneck, hillbilly bumpkins we are by protesting mosques? 

Talk about deja vu.  I haven't felt this way since W was in office: completely, and utterly embarrassed by my fellow countrymen.  Why don't y'all git off yer fat, donut-eating asses, turn off the "reality" tv, and read a book for once.  You know, those things that are a bunch of papers glued together.  Yes, yes, some of the words may hurt your heads, but you'll get used to it. 

Religious intolerance, people equating gays with beastiality, and rich white British guys raping the earth.  Hey, when did we get back to Puritan times?

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