Free thinking Americans, also known as liberals, suffered so much during the W years. We were accused of being in league with terrorists for voicing our dissent. We watched words like patriot get co-opted and twisted into horrible things. We watched our country torn apart and abused by corporate interests and the Republican lackies they put in office.
And then one day, to paraphrase Hillary, the clouds parted and the heavenly choir sang. (I prefer using rainbows and butterfly imagery myself, but....) And lo! The Democrats were in power! Not that that means very much, given how they grabbed their ankles during the W years, but still. It was something.
And now that we've had our first significant victory (if you can call this lame-ass bill that), the Tea Baggers can't handle it. They never thought it could really happen! They were so smug, so self-assured and self-righteous, it never occurred to them that they might lose. And now that the shoe is on the other foot, what do they do? To they man-up and take it like we did? I guess the first time is the hardest, but.......
Spitting on Congressmen? Throwing bricks through windows? Fomenting violence and crime? Seriously?
Now don't any of you dare try and tell me that there were lefties doing the same thing. Because as a movement, there weren't. There are always fringe people exhibiting their stupidity (WTO protests, anyone?), but that is not the same as a 'legitimized' movement. Which the Baggers are.
So now we have political "leaders," "news" anchors, and other official types inciting all this. Egging them on. Encouraging these outrageous acts. Hey Baggers, I've got news for you: spitting on someone is assault, which is a CRIME. Throwing a brick through a window is assault, vandalism, and damage to property -- all CRIMES.
Oh I'm sure the Baggers are all pleased as punch with themselves, thinking they are an actual revolution. Please. If they think this bill is the brink of fascism, communism, or armageddon, then what on earth would they do if any of those really came to pass? Soil themselves would be first on the list, I imagine.
But that's just it: they think they are really doing something radical and meaningful. But they aren't. This ain't Revolutionary France, or the Czech Republic, or the Civil War. Talk about delusions of grandeur.
This is a mediocre, centrist bill that was so watered down that neither side liked it very much and it barely passed. The Right can't handle this? This bill is so useless, I'm sick of hearing about how big a f***ing deal it is already. What on earth would the Right do if we actually managed something like single payer? Or repeal Don't Ask/Don't Tell, or allow Gay Marriage, or (gasp!) mandate evolution be taught in science class?
I'm sorry. I know I'm ranting. I know I'm not as eloquent as I may usually be. But I'm mad as hell, and I'm not taking it anymore. I've been trying all this time to have reasonable discussions with people, to show them the light. And now we're down to the crazy mother f***ers who, well, just won't ever see any light. Because they don't want to. They are too busy basking in the tanning bed that Glenn and Rush have set up for them. They'd better watch out, or they'll end up looking like Boehner: fake and played out.
I am appalled that these people, and the media and elected officials who started all this, think this behavior is ok. I am embarrassed (once again) on behalf of America. Sickened by association. Well I've had enough.
Won't you join me?
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